Rubber friends from the south of Europe
We are a group of friends that love rubber and we wanted to have parties like those in Chicago and Berlin in our country.
Since 2014, we collaborated to elect the Mr Rubber Spain.
Everyone gives his time for free, and the group is registered as a non profit asociation.
Promoting rubber parties, socials, and collaborating with other asociations around the world.


Rubber Spain Ambassador 2024
Pedro is a multidisciplinar Ambassador. He is creative, dancer, smiler and crafting rubber for all the community. Pup lover, rubber lover, he has it all.

Nando Rey
Rubber Spain Ambassador 2023
Nando is dedicating his efforts on expanding the fetish community and make it more diverse and open. His social fetish sundays are a truly success.

Rubber Spain Ambassador 2022
Passionate about Rubber, Leather and Puppy Play. His year as an ambassador atended many events in Spain, and expanded the community in Spain specially between the youngster kinksters.

Mr rubber spain 2020
Rubber and Rail lover. Santi dedicated his year as a Mister to visibilize people with HIV and help facing the stigma that exist in the community and the society.

Mr Rubber Spain 2019
Eurofan and Rubberlover. Iván was the youngest mister to date. He dedicated his time as mr to promote rubber in Madrid and also to give visibility to bisexual people within the community

Jorge Doal
Mr Rubber Spain 2018
Hard worker, traveler and multifetishist. Jorge dedicated his time as mister to promote the rubber scene around the world, participating in multiple events around the globe.

Mr Rubber Spain 2017
Our mister more tech. He participated in multiple events and helped grow the rubber spain community. His project Rubber Alliance made grow the rubber world globally.

Miss Rubber Spain 2017
The smiley Virginia was elected at the 'defuncted' Rosas 5 in Barcelona. She is still an active member of the local community

Mr Rubber Spain 2016
Eduard was our first mister that respresented Spain at Mister International Rubber. He opened the way to much more that came. Smiley, brought his happiness around the globe

Miss Rubber Spain 2016
She is the owner of the brand fetish flamingo, and has been an active rubberist in the scene since many years ago. Now produces the latex experience

Mr Rubber Spain 2015
The first Mister Rubber, elected in december of 2014 at Berlin dark
The Team